M(A)L MasterAnyLanguage.com (Master Any Language)
لغتك(Lang): العربية    يختار

لغة فولانية مجموعة إبنمار Explore
يتعلم Pulaar
محبة الله معكم جميعا الله يحبك الله محبة
Ngam an mari laamu e baawɗe e tedduŋgal haa foroy
Jam ñalli
nogay e jenayi
Jom hunuko majjataa
Master of the mouth cannot get lost
تعلم وتدرب على وتيرتك الخاصة مصمم بشكل فريد لتحدي قدراتك ومساعدتك

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If you would like to send us teaching content (words and phrases), resource recommendations, language videos, social channels, recommended books, websites, apps, products and/or services related to a specific language, please send the information via email below. Subject: "Teaching Content". Please include the name of the language (i.e. Arabic language) that the content relates to. Thank you.




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