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당신의 언어(Lang): 한국어    선택하다
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한국어 애브너마르 컬렉션 탐구하다
언어 전문가
Polyglots, Language Masters and Multilinguals

One Language
Command of at least one language is necessary for survival in this world. Nature expects that at least one language be learned by everyone in this world.

Bilinguals (Two Languages)
Speaking two languages is very common in today's world. With the rise of internationalization and globalization, there are many people globally that can speak at least two languages fluently. Many times the primary language is the native tongue of the particular region of the world, and the secondary language is either English, French, German, Italian or one of the other Romance languages.

Trilinguals (Three Languages)
Speaking three languages is less common in today's world, but there are quite a few people who can speak at least three languages.

Polyglots (Four or More Languages)
A polyglot is someone with a high degree of proficiency in several languages. Throughout history, there have been quite a few people that have known more than four languages. In today's world, there still exists regions whereby it is necessary to know more than four languages (i.e. Netherlands).
하나님의 사랑이 여러분 모두와 함께 하시기를 빕니다 신은 당신을 사랑합니다 하나님은 사랑이십니다
자신의 속도로 배우고 연습하십시오 당신의 능력에 도전하고 당신을 돕기 위해 독특하게 설계되었습니다
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특정 언어와 관련된 교육 콘텐츠 (단어 및 구문), 추천 자료, 언어 비디오, 소셜 채널, 추천 도서, 웹사이트, 앱, 제품 및/또는 서비스를 보내시려면 아래에 제공된 이메일을 통해 정보를 보내주십시오. . 콘텐츠와 관련된 언어(예: 아랍어)의 이름을 포함해 주세요. 감사합니다



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